Septic tank riser lids that are in good repair are an essential part of your home septic system. Superior Septic Services stocks septic tank riser lids for sale as replacement parts for your septic tank.
All septic tanks should be equipped with risers. These are access wells that are situated over the inlet port, and possibly over the exit port to allow easy access for inspection, pumping and repair. These risers are twenty-four inches across – wide enough for a child, pet or even some adults to plunge through them if the lid is not in good shape. Since a working septic tank is a swamp of gases and bio-hazard materials, the plunge would be unpleasant at best and possibly even fatal at worst. This is the primary reason for maintaining septic tank riser lids in excellent condition. The other reason is that good lids, appropriately maintained, allow easy access to check the internal operations of the septic tank. It makes it easy to pop off the lid – and to replace it – for inspection, for pumping, for checking baffles or for changing out filters. These are all important activities for maintaining your home septic system in excellent condition.
You can order your new septic tank riser lids from Superior Septic Services by visiting our website and using our online catalogue, or by calling (425)905-2485 to order over the phone. Septic tanks are our business, so we stock quality materials to help you to maintain your home sanitation system in the best possible condition. Since we work with septic tanks on a daily basis, we fully understand that business of everyone living upstream or downstream from someone else. We are dedicated to the idea that it is possible to maintain a home sanitation system without adversely impacting anyone else.