Superior Septic Products has the Zabel A-1800 slide-in outlet filter cartridge for sale. This is a great product for homeowners who are concerned about whether their septic tank system will be effective in filtering solids and keeping them out of the general environment.
Outlet filters are used as the last step before liquids exit the septic tank and flow into the leach field for soil and evaporation filtering. The Zabel A-1800 is constructed to slide into a four-inch PVC baffle tee and is highly effective at removing those last bits of solids. In recent years, there have been concerns about whether septic tanks are effective at keeping solids bearing e-coli contaminants out of streams, lakes and other freshwater systems. The Zabel filter is one more way to help clean the black water from your home, making it ready for the leach field and the next step in preparing moisture from your household waste for its return to the wild. It is easy to install, and easy to maintain – two pieces of good news for the conscientious homeowner. The part comes with a lifetime warranty, but all things wear out over time. Now is a good time to purchase your outlet filter, as they are currently available at a reduced price.
You can order authentic septic tank parts and accessories from our website, or give Superior Septic Services a call at (425) 905-2485 to learn more about the items available from our product website. We understand that while septic tanks are stable technology that can be ignored at most times that even this simple mechanism can develop problems. It is our goal to provide necessary parts so that homeowners and small business owners will have a ready source of authentic septic materials.