Superior Septic Services offers the Zabel A-1800 slide-in outlet filter cartridge for sale. If you don’t own a septic tank that uses one of these, you might wonder exactly what that thing might be. We can answer that question – and any other question you might have about this product.
The Zabel A-1800 slide-in outlet filter cartridge slides into a 4-inch sanitary tee baffle to filter effluent after it leaves your septic tank and before it enters the drain field. It captures any solids that have managed to slip past the baffles in the septic tank and flow out of it. The filter helps prolong the life of your leaching drain field and creates an added layer of protection for the folks who live downstream. It can also help increase your awareness of conditions inside your septic tank because the Zabel A-1800 filter requires periodic cleaning. The approved method is to remove the filter (don’t use your septic system while the filter is out), then hose it off is a way that any solids with wind up back in the septic tank. Replace the filter, and your system is ready to go again. The increased awareness part is a side effect: if you begin to notice an uptick in the solids the filter is catching, you might need to engage the services of a professional to learn why this is happening.
Superior Septic Services offers the Zabel A-1800 slide-in outlet filter cartridge for sale through our online catalog. You can use our online ordering tool or give us a call at (425) 905-2485 to learn more about this filter and other products that we have available for your home sanitation system. These products are just one more way that Superior Septic Services has found to help you.