
Septic Products for Sale

Septic Products for SaleSuperior Septic Services has septic products for sale. If you live in the Snohomish County area, you might have heard of our company. We do all kinds of home septic system services, including inspections and repairs. However, you might not have heard that we sell septic products.

We know that a lot of the people in our area who have septic tanks are dedicated do-it-yourselfers. We also know that there are many different types of repairs and maintenance that the handy person can handle easily if he or she can get hold of the right sorts of parts or supplies. That is why we are introducing a line of septic products that you can purchase. These range from small items, such as riser lid screws – an easy and inexpensive repair with the right screw, right on up through environmental standard riser pipes and more. While we have often remarked in our blogs that the additives sold as “increasing the efficiency of your septic tank” simply do not work, there are some kinds of chemicals that can help your septic system. Two of these are Blitiroot – an environmentally safe additive that keeps those pesky roots out of your drain system without killing the tree, and Trapclear – a substance used for breaking down build-ups of heavy soaps and oil. Filters, pipes and more – we’ve got it.

If you would like more information about Superior Septic Services line of septic products for sale, give us a call at (425) 905-2485. We’ll be happy to review the products we have for sale. Beyond that, we’d love to hear from you – let us know how you use our products and how they work for you.
