Every year headlines blazon news such as, “Grandmother trapped in Septic Tank,” “Dog rescued from Septic tank.” One of the leading causes of injury on or around septic tanks is the failure to maintain risers and lids in good condition. Superior Septic Services has the products you need to keep a lid on your septic tank. Check out our septic riser lids, as well as screws and other products needed to keep those septic tank lids doing their job.
We stock standard riser lids in eco-friendly green that blends into surroundings. At the same time, they are unmistakable and are therefore easy to find – something that can be important if your septic tank needs extensive maintenance. We have four sizes: 12, 18, 24, and 30 inches in diameter. Septic lids only ship to Snohomish County.
We also have the screws that you will need to fasten those lids down firmly. They come in two sizes: 3 ½ x 14 inches, and 2 ½ x 14 inches, in sets of four. They are hex slot screws made of stainless steel, and are just the thing to keep those lids firmly battened down to prevent pets, toddlers and even wandering grandmothers from falling into your septic tank. Sadly, they are not impervious to criminal intent – another set of sad events brought to us by news headlines – so don’t neglect your periodic inspections and regular septic tank pumping. Both are useful for revealing problems in your septic tank, including broken baffles or risers that are showing wear.
As always, Superior Septic Services is devoted to helping our neighbors keep their home septic systems in good shape, and that includes providing quality septic riser lids. You can order our products online or call us at (425) 905-2485.