Superior Septic Services has septic accessories for sale. While there are many less-than-useful items on the market that purport to assist with the function of your home septic system, as a company that has been in business in the state of Washington for more than 25 years, we know the items that will help keep your home sanitation system up and running.
First, let’s talk about chemicals. You don’t need a bacteria starter or anything like it to get your septic tank up and running – natural bacteria will take care of that. However, there are a few chemicals that can be of assistance to you. One is Trap-Cleer. As you use your system and send bathroom and kitchen waste toward the septic tank, the fats and crud form a kind of plaque inside the pipes. Trap-Cleer can help dissolve that. Blitaroot is another useful chemical. It will clear roots out of your septic drain lines without damaging trees. In addition to chemicals, we have industry standard risers, riser caps and the screws that are needed to fasten the caps down. Need new filters? We have Zabela slide in filters – just another step in making your system more efficient at keeping our groundwater uncontaminated. No system is perfect, but we want to help you to do the best you can.
Superior Septic Services has septic accessories for sale, just give us a call at (425)905-2485 or fill up your online shopping cart at and we’ll get those products out to you as quick as shipping will allow. We know that when septic problems arise, the best time to take care of them is right away – and it isn’t always practical to wait for professional services. Our goal is to help you to maintain your home septic system.